Start |
Programme |
Impact |
Background |
Contact |
Completed |
Tell us your Celebratory Stories and Cautionary Tales about experiences
with either life or business coaching
Have you received coaching or mentoring services? Would you be willing to
share your experiences (both good and bad) of the coaching process to
support coaching practitioners to improve their services and skills?.
All responses will be treated with the strictest confidence and only grouped
summary data will reported unless you give your explicit permission for us
to share your story with the wider coaching community as a 'case study'. We
are planning to select 'indicative' case studies to share with coaches and
mentors to support continuing professional development.
Research results from this project will be written up and submitted to
publications such as the International Coaching Psychology Review and
Coaching at Work magazine and all participants will be sent a copy of the
research findings if they are interested in seeing them.
This short questionnaire is in 4 parts which cover:-
- Information about your coach and coaching programme
- Impact of the coaching on your life or business along with 'the full story'
in your own words
- Additional background information that will support additional analysis and reporting
- Your contact details